Module Image
June 18
Module 4. Discipline of Body

Session 14: Moving Forward

  • Identifying where you are on the path to Boundless Leadership — which traits, competencies and qualities are the ones you need to develop in the short term and how to fold in the others over time
  • Reinventing yourself from your potential
  • Beginning to develop your map or the mandala that you will use as your guide to manifesting your transformation
  • How much of your future vision is based on your past?
  • What would it look like if your future was on a trajectory based on your potential?
  • Identify your vision of your own path to Boundless Leadership. Who are the mentors you want to emulate; what is your vision and story of yourself and life as a boundless leader; what way of being will you embody and what impact on your team, company, family, community and larger world do you envision as your contribution or purpose?
  • Share your reflections on what you’ve learned in the program and what you feel you most want to work on/incorporate in your life and leadership
  • Share your Fieldwork

Thursdays 1:45–2:45pm ET
Passcode: leader*pod

Thursdays 7–7:30pm ET
Passcode: leader*pod

Session Recording

June 18: Session 14
