Kimberly Stewart, BA, holds a BA in Sociology from the University of Florida. She has 18 years of teaching experience in the United States and Japan, and is the founder and principal instructor of Mindful Michi which offers programs that integrate mindfulness and meditation to address and break through individual learning barriers. Kim is also a graduate of the Sukkhasiddhi Foundation’s Dharma Training Program, and continues to study Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist meditation and mind training with the foundation. Wishing to share her mindfulness practice with others outside of the education sector, Kim has formed numerous in-person and digital communities focused on volunteer work and charity fundraising. After experiencing first-hand how Buddhist psychology has helped her overcome her own personal trauma, Kim is dedicated to a life of helping to facilitate long-term healing through contemplative methods.
Contact: kimberly@mindfulmichi.com / Website: mindfulmichi.com/cbrt