by Nalanda Institute

As we move through our Year-End Drive, we will release four practices that support us in collaboratively Weaving a World of Shared Belonging. Drawn from the transformative wisdom and arts of the Nalanda tradition and aimed at realizing the vision of the Clockwork Tantra (Kalachakra), these practices guide us through four key steps to Weaving a World of Shared Belonging:

  • Loving all beings equally as oneself
  • Disidentifying with our traumatic sense of being a separate self
  • Developing and extending unconditional love to all beings
  • Identifying with our altruistic spirit to help awaken all beings

We hope you’ll join us in these practices as we collectively work towards dismantling suffering and reknitting together a fabric of connection across this world!

Practice 1: Equal Empathy

Practice unlearning implicit bias to expose and break through othering biases embedded in your personal and collective unconscious so you can see and love all living beings, close, neutral, and far, as equally dear as your loved ones and yourself. Nalanda Institute founder Joe Loizzo guides us through this meditation.

Practice 2: Four Keys Self-Analysis

Try this practice of self-analysis with Joe Loizzo through the four keys to release the traumatic identity habits that anchor our false sense of separateness and to reclaim our true self of radical openness that
connects us to the real world of our shared belonging.

Practice 3: Compassion Chain Reaction

Try this brief practice of wise give-and-take that slowly grows your capacity to extend threads of loving-caring awareness openly in a compassion chain reaction that gradually reaches out to embrace all beings everywhere.

Practice 4: Becoming the Clockwork

 Try this brief practice of role-modeling imagery, imagining the fabric of your mind-body process as a loom on which to weave the Clockwork vision of Mother Space and Father Time which guides us all towards the Kalachakra apocalypse of global shared belonging and restoring our earth as a medicine planet.

Our Year-End Fundraising Drive supports our healing work Weaving a World of Shared Belonging. We come together through our core programs, retreats, short courses, free affinity groups, and donation-based lunchtime meditations to restore and deepen connection to ourselves, each other, our whole human community, and to our living planet. If you believe in the transformative work at Nalanda Institute, we invite you to donate today.

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