The Trunk of Intuitive Realization—Harnessing the Transformational Energy, Affect and Intuition of the Reward Network to Dissolve the Neural Basis of Oppressive Psychosocial Conditioning
The second stage of embodied contemplative healing in the Nalanda tradition is intuitive realization—the bottom-up work of accessing, holding and transmuting embodied traumatic affects, energies and neurogenomic processing from oppressive traumatic mode to psychosocial thriving. This module explores that work and its phases—de-reifying traumatic experience of the body through conscious interoception, calming autonomic reactivity and transforming visceral affect through breath-work, cultivating lucid intuition to expose and transform traumatic conditioning and instincts into flow affects and energies, and harnessing flow states and traits into a dreamlike embodiment of individual and collective well-being. This work is compared and contrasted with the use of somatic interoception, breath-work, and movement in contemporary social justice approaches to extinguishing oppressive traumatic conditioning and reactivity, and to cultivate a new thriving embodiment of personal and communal well-being.