with Jennifer Storey


What is a demon?

A demon is anything that limits or impedes our individual and collective liberation.



In 11th century Tibet, yogini Machig Labdrön developed and taught a practice, chöd, to transform the “demons” of negative emotions, fears, illnesses, and self-defeating patterns into realizations of wisdom and insight. This practice has been distilled for the Western practitioner by Lama Tsultrim Allione into a registered program— Feeding Your Demons®. We are thrilled to invite certified Feeding Your Demons® instructor, Nalanda Institute Contemplative Psychotherapy Program alumna, and practitioner of Tibetan Medicine, Jennifer Storey to offer this very special 3-session course in working with this powerful and freeing method.

Over three sessions, we’ll explore the Feeding Your Demons® (FYD) process and experience its unique ability to help us navigate our present-day realities. Each week we’ll learn about the history, philosophy, and efficacy of the FYD approach. We’ll also practice the five steps of FYD, developing an understanding of how the process helps build resiliency and compassion in the face of challenges that feel unceasing. Together we’ll identify the advantages of turning toward something rather than turning away—to feed versus fight that which impedes our progress.



Over three weeks, we’ll develop a Feeding Your Demons® practice that helps us explore the following:

Week One: Method
– The history of FYD—its roots in 11th century Tibet and its modern-day manifestation
– How to identify a demon and what it means to “feed” it
– The advantages of feeding, not fighting

Week Two: Means
– The four types of demons and how they show up in our lives
– Exploring our own blocks and blindsides in a safe, objective way
– Increasing comfort with discomfort and fuelling resilience

Week Three: Motivation
– How to use FYD on behalf of ourselves and our communities
– Engaging in compassion and self-compassion: exchanging self-protection for mutual liberation
– Applying and sustaining a FYD practice



Faculty: Jennifer Storey
Schedule: Three Tuesdays: April 2, 9, 16  from 6:30 – 8:00pm ET
Tuition: Regular fee: $90 / Supported fee: $60
The tuition is for all three evenings. (Can’t make all three dates? Each session is recorded and will be available for six weeks for those who registered.)
Location: Online via Zoom

  •  April 9, 2024
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
  •  April 16, 2024
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
  •  April 30, 2024
     6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


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