Spring Retreat: Completion Stage Practices for Embodied Contemplative Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Change
February 16-18

Spring Retreat: Completion Stage Practices for Embodied Contemplative Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Change

With Nida Chenagtsang, Rahshaana Green, Diego Hangartner, Geri Loizzo, Joe Loizzo, Begoña Martinez

Primary Texts

Kelang Gyatso, the Vth Dalai Lama. (2017). Showering a Rain of Attainments: The Song of Fourfold Mindfulness Revealing the Centrist View. (J. Loizzo, Trans). Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science.

Panchen Lozang Chokyi Gyaltsan. (2015). The Victor’s Highway: A Root Text on the Great Seal in the Gemlike Ganden/Kagyu Tradition. (J. Loizzo, Trans.). Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science.

Mirror of Light: The Commentary and Practical Instructions on the Great Self-Liberation of Mundane and Transcendent, Through the Elucidation of the Great Perfection in the Heart Essence of Yuthog (gYu-thogs sNying-thig gi rDzog-chen Ngo-sProd ‘Khor-‘das Rang-grdol Chen-mo’i ‘Grel-ba dang hLan-thabs ‘Od-kyi Me-long-ma). In Chenagtsang, N. (2016). Mirror of Light: A Commentary on Yuthog’s Ati Yoga. Sky Press.


Chenagtsang, N. (2023). The Essence of Tantric Medicine: Embodied Healing in the Yuthog Nyingthig Tradition. In J. Loizzo, F. Brandon, E. J. Wolf, & M. Neale (Eds.), Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy: Accelerating Personal and Social Transformation (2nd ed., Chapter 18). Routledge.


Completion Stage Practices for Embodied Contemplative Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Change. [Retreat handout]
