The Trunk of Non-Dual Integration—Joining Lucid Intuition with the Dreamlike Embodiment of Prosocial Flow Through Practicing the Supreme Great Seal, Great Perfection and/or Sublime Yoga
Introduction to Module 5

The Trunk of Non-Dual Integration—Joining Lucid Intuition with the Dreamlike Embodiment of Prosocial Flow Through Practicing the Supreme Great Seal, Great Perfection and/or Sublime Yoga

The final stage of embodied contemplative healing in the Nalanda tradition is embodied integration—a gradual working through coordinating and refining both top-down and bottom-up methods and altered states to weave the dreamlike embodiment of flow affects and energies together with lucid self-transcendent intuition into a fully embodied integration of prosocial well-being. This work is compared and contrasted with the practice of consolidating transformational insights and embodied transformational affects and energies as in contemporary parts work, Gestalt Therapy, AEDP and PAT into a fully integrated new way of flourishing individually and in community.
