Module Image
April 23
Module 3. Discipline of Heart

Session 6: Summary & Introduction to Discipline of Heart

  • Understanding the trait of authentic engagement, blocks to developing it, and its key role in the discipline of heart
  • Recognizing the competency of compassion, its benefits, and its interplay with authentic engagement
  • Understanding the science of emotional intelligence and the power of training compassion for self and others to transform teamwork
  • Identifying the qualities and practices we need to consciously cultivate compassion and authentic engagement

Optional Teachings

Brief Practice of Equal Empathy / JL

Brief Practice of Unlearning Implicit Bias / JL

  • At this point in the program, given what you’re learning and experience, do you notice any changes in the quality of your interactions with or your reactivity towards others?
  • What ideas arise on how to help strengthen any of the positive changes you notice?
  • Keep trying to notice and release any implicit biases that cloud your ability to see and treat people, places and things with open-minded curiosity and care
  • Discuss your key learnings from the Discipline of Mind and what changes you would like to bring forth with you

Thursdays 1:45–2:45pm ET
Passcode: leader*pod

Thursdays 7–7:30pm ET
Passcode: leader*pod

Session Recording

April 23: Session 6
