Foster greater meaning, less stress and more joy in 2025— learn more!

Praise for Boundless Leadership

Thank you for considering becoming a boundless leader. 

Please take a moment to connect with what brought you to this page. Perhaps you’re unhappy in your current position, stressed, dealing with a toxic work environment, or overwhelmed by the demands of a changing world—or maybe you feel like you’re not living from your greatest potential.

When we joined forces to offer Boundless Leadership workshops and retreats over ten years ago — Joe with his keen scientific and scholarly insights into the human psyche, and Elazar with his deep experience from the frontlines of the business world — our aim was to use leading-edge sciences and contemplative wisdom to address the growing complexity and demands of the hyper-paced digital economy.

We worked hard to create a comprehensive, accessible path for individuals not just to achieve success with more clarity, ease and confidence, but also to redefine success as sustainable happiness for self, others and society as a whole.

Both of us look forward to guiding you as we see what is possible for each of us individually and all of us collectively and help you develop a plan for flourishing in 2025 and beyond. Please do join us!

May all be well,

Joe and Elazar

P.S.  If you have questions, email Elazar or Joe.

Faculty: Joe Loizzo and Elazar Aslan

Schedule: Tuesdays, January 28, February 4, February 11 from 7:00 – 8:30pm ET

Tuition: Regular fee: $90 / Supported fee: $60

Location: Online via Zoom

Boundless Leadership was designed, developed and tested to provide a proven map and tools within a supportive community to remedy the common challenges so many of us face in leading ourselves and others. If any of these resonate with you, then join us.

Despite outward success, do you still struggle with finding meaning in your work life or a sense of joy?

Do you get anxious about work due to unnecessary stress and aggressive colleagues and unrealistic demands?

Do you feel overly impacted by setbacks and disappointments or have difficulty staying as agile as your work demands?

Are the incessant complaints of your inner critic putting you under great pressure to perform and excel?

Do you believe that your potential is untapped and you want to claim your boldest vision for yourself, your organization and the world?

Are you concerned about the divisive, scarcity culture of business as usual and desire influencing a shift toward inclusivity and social equality?

Is the new normal affecting your team’s drive, effectiveness, collaboration and camaraderie?

Do you want to manage through inspiration and strength rather than power and authority?

Boundless Leadership incorporates the latest findings in the fields of neuroscience, leadership, and personal transformation to access our full potential as humans, and unlock the Boundless Leader in us all.


Integrating the science of neural plasticity, emotional intelligence, embodied cognition, peak performance and flow

Compassion Training

Training in empathy and compassion unlocks the emotional intelligence that fuels authenticity, inspiration and genuine equity

Positive Psychology

Joining the new social psychology of lasting happiness and flourishing with the science of leadership development

Mind Body Methods

Optimizing the mind-body connection to sculpt mind and brain on an embodied level, unlocking your full potential to ignite change

The program is centered on the live and online course taught by Joe and Elazar, but supports all modalities of learning with comprehensive videos, readings, and small group meetings. The program includes:

  • 3 weekly 90-minute Zoom meetings with Joe & Elazar
  • Over 25 video teachings
  • 6 distinct mind-body practices
  • Access to all materials through 2025

Optimizing your mind, heart and body into an integrated way of being will allow you to realize your full human potential and purpose.

Aware Mind

Using mindfulness practices participants learn how to see through negative thoughts and worst case thinking and cultivate presence and balance allowing you to make better decisions.

Engaged Heart

Using compassion-based practices participants will learn self-compassion — how to accept our full self and how to extend this compassion out to others enabling you to be a better manager and a more trusted leader.

Fearless Body

Using body practices and role model imagery we reshape our way of being and showing up in the world with greater confidence and fearlessness.

This accessible and proven methodology has been refined to optimize and integrate your mind, heart and body through a gradual path of step-by-step learning and repeated practice.


In this module we we explore how authenticity and compassion help us develop the resiliency and agility we need to empower others to show up as their best selves. We then learn how to develop greater authenticity and compassion through emotional training and to apply them to the application we call empowered responsibility.


In this module we we understand the importance of self-awareness and clarity for better decision-making, self-management, and for overcoming our default negativity bias. We then learn how to develop greater clarity and self-awareness through attention-training practice and to apply them to clarify and align our intentions.


Leading ourselves and others fearlessly requires re-envisioning our self-image and purpose, revising our story as leaders, then grounding our vision in natural flow and fearless embodiment to rewire the neural networks and energies through which our bodies and minds impact others. In this module, we learn how to expand our self-image and access flow energy through role-modeling imagery and breath-work, and how to apply them to the application we call embodied purpose.

Our team approach pairs two leaders in their respective fields of contemplative psychotherapy and business leadership. The interplay of science and business leadership makes Boundless Leadership a unique and in-demand offering.

Joe Loizzo, MD, PhD, is a contemplative psychotherapist, a clinical researcher, and Buddhist scholar-teacher. He founded Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science, a nonprofit organization that interacts with over 12,000 people per year. On the faculty at the Weill Cornell Medical College and the Columbia University Center for Buddhist Studies, he lectures widely on the role of meditative learning in the future of health, education, and leadership, and teaches regular public classes and workshops.

Elazar Aslan, MBA, PCC, is an executive advisor, speaker, and entrepreneur. After a successful career as a business executive, he became a professional coach over a decade ago, bringing his meditative practice and leadership principles to corporations including Chase, D&B, MasterCard, American Express, and ADP, as well as hyper growth start-ups. He is the founder of A Day of Kindness in Philadelphia, President of the Tibetan Buddhist Center of Philadelphia, and a Nalanda Institute board member.

“This course is a transformative journey from your core to your outer shell, in which you have the opportunity to learn, practice and live out who you are as a leader, from a space of confidence, clarity and compassion. ”

— Victoria F.

“I took the class because I was feeling stuck in my career and uninspired… I have a renewed sense of how I can uniquely be the type of leader I want to be, and I feel optimistic about the future. I have an ongoing framework for dealing with obstacles that I can put into practice daily. And, it’s also a tremendous value for the investment.”

— Nicole F.

“The science groundwork is fascinating, the practice absorbing, the partner work galvanizing, and the interior work gives me confidence to approach any new situation skillfully.”

— Vimukti A.
Founder, Noble Heart Yoga

What is the weekly time commitment?

The rule that you get out what you put in applies here. The minimum weekly commitment is about 90 minutes attending the weekly class and another 30-60 minutes preparing for the class.

What are the tech requirements?

You will need a good internet connection to access our site and the media contained within it. Our online meetings are conducted via Zoom. You will receive instructions before the first class on how to get up and running.

Does my location matter?

Anyone can join the course, providing they are available for the group meetings.

Do I have to be a business leader to take this course?

Essentially, we are all leaders. Self-leadership is the first step in shifting how we show up. Leadership can be called upon in non-profit organizations, social justice or even in our families and communities. Creating positive change in any way will always require leadership.

What if I miss a class?

All classes will be recorded and will be available for review at your own pace. There is an opportunity to ask questions in the following class as well as to lean into your peers. Class material will be available as each module begins, so you can also plan ahead.
