Welcome to Boundless Leadership
Thank you for joining us on this journey to uncover and embody the boundless leader within you. Together, we will redefine what it means to be an exemplary leader and through the teachings, practices, readings, reflections, field work, group work and our weekly dialog, helping each other transform our way of being for the benefit of all humanity.
La diosa de la sabiduría feroz Vajrayogini representa el genio sanador de la sabiduría intuitiva encarnada de la apertura dichosa que nos despierta y nos libera a todos. Para invocarla, imaginamos su presencia, recordamos a los mentores de la sabiduría y afirmamos el poder físico, mental y espiritual de la sabiduría intuitiva para eliminar todos los bloqueos al despertar plenamente encarnado:
¡Om Vajrayogini Hum Phat Svaha!
A feroz deusa da sabedoria Vajrayogini representa o gênio da cura para a sabedoria intuitiva corporificada da abertura feliz que desperta e liberta todos nós. Para invocá-la, visualizamos sua presença, lembramos dos mentores da sabedoria e afirmamos o poder físico, mental e espiritual da sabedoria intuitiva para remover todos os bloqueios ao despertar totalmente corporificado:
Om Vajrayogini Hum Phat Svaha!
The Fierce Wisdom Goddess Vajrayogini depicts the healing genius for the embodied intuitive wisdom of blissful openness that awakens and liberates us all. To invoke her, we envision her presence, recall mentors of wisdom, and affirm the physical, mental and spiritual power of intuitive wisdom to remove all blocks to fully embodied awakening:
Om Vajrayogini Hum Phat Svaha!
The Healing Mother Tara depicts the healing genius for unconditional love in us all. To invoke her, we envision her presence, recall loving mentors, and affirm love’s physical, mental and spiritual healing power:
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha!
* Indicates a live online discussion meeting
The Fierce Wisdom Goddess Vajrayogini depicts the healing genius for the embodied intuitive wisdom of blissful openness that awakens and liberates us all. To invoke her, we envision her presence, recall mentors of wisdom, and affirm the physical, mental and spiritual power of intuitive wisdom to remove all blocks to fully embodied awakening:
Om Vajrayogini Hum Phat Svaha!
* Indicates a live online discussion meeting

CBRT Teacher Training
Welcome to CBRT Teacher Training. We look forward to sharing the next phase in your contemplative journey with you, and are eager to help you make waves of compassion by learning to teach the only proven contemplative training that introduces participants to mindfulness, compassion, imagery and breath-work in one complete program of stress-reduction, self-healing, and mind/body well-being.
La Madre Sanadora Tara representa el genio sanador del amor incondicional en todos nosotros. Para invocarla, visualizamos su presencia, recordamos a los mentores amorosos y afirmamos el poder curativo físico, mental y espiritual del amor:
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha!
A Mãe Curadora Tara retrata o gênio da cura para o amor incondicional em todos nós. Para invocá-la, visualizamos sua presença, lembramos de mentores amorosos e afirmamos o poder de cura físico, mental e espiritual do amor:
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha!
The Healing Mother Tara depicts the healing genius for unconditional love in us all. To invoke her, we envision her presence, recall loving mentors, and affirm love’s physical, mental and spiritual healing power:
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha!

Welcome to Boundless Leadership
Thank you for joining us on this journey to uncover and embody the boundless leader within you. Together, we will redefine what it means to be an exemplary leader and through the teachings, practices, readings, reflections, field work, group work and our weekly dialog, helping each other transform our way of being for the benefit of all humanity.
La Madre Sanadora Tara representa el genio sanador del amor incondicional en todos nosotros. Para invocarla, visualizamos su presencia, recordamos a los mentores amorosos y afirmamos el poder curativo físico, mental y espiritual del amor:
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha!
A Mãe Curadora Tara retrata o gênio da cura para o amor incondicional em todos nós. Para invocá-la, visualizamos sua presença, lembramos de mentores amorosos e afirmamos o poder de cura físico, mental e espiritual do amor:
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha!
The Healing Mother Tara depicts the healing genius for unconditional love in us all. To invoke her, we envision her presence, recall loving mentors, and affirm love’s physical, mental and spiritual healing power:
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha!
The Fierce Wisdom Goddess Vajrayogini depicts the healing genius for the embodied intuitive wisdom of blissful openness that awakens and liberates us all. To invoke her, we envision her presence, recall mentors of wisdom, and affirm the physical, mental and spiritual power of intuitive wisdom to remove all blocks to fully embodied awakening:
Om Vajrayogini Hum Phat Svaha!!
* indicates a joint class
The Fierce Wisdom Goddess Vajrayogini depicts the healing genius for the embodied intuitive wisdom of blissful openness that awakens and liberates us all. To invoke her, we envision her presence, recall mentors of wisdom, and affirm the physical, mental and spiritual power of intuitive wisdom to remove all blocks to fully embodied awakening:
Om Vajrayogini Hum Phat Svaha!
* indicates a joint class
The Fierce Wisdom Goddess Vajrayogini depicts the healing genius for the embodied intuitive wisdom of blissful openness that awakens and liberates us all. To invoke her, we envision her presence, recall mentors of wisdom, and affirm the physical, mental and spiritual power of intuitive wisdom to remove all blocks to fully embodied awakening:
Om Vajrayogini Hum Phat Svaha!
* Indicates a live online discussion meeting
The Healing Mentor, Bhaishajyaguru, depicts the healing genius for compassion in us all. To invoke him, we envision his presence, recall healing mentors, and affirm compassion’s physical, mental and spiritual healing power:
Om Bhaishajya Bhaishajya Mahabhaishajya Raja Samudgate Svaha!
* Indicates a live online discussion meeting
The Healing Mentor, Bhaishajyaguru, depicts the healing genius for compassion in us all. To invoke him, we envision his presence, recall healing mentors, and affirm compassion’s physical, mental and spiritual healing power:
Om Bhaishajya Bhaishajya Mahabhaishajya Raja Samudgate Svaha!
This is a sample course used for testing and training purposes.
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