with Dr. Nida Chenagtsang and Dr. Joe Loizzo
Nalanda Institute’s Contemplative Psychotherapy Program in partnership with Menla, is pleased to present this weekend retreat. This hybrid in-person and online retreat introduces the embodied neuroscience and transformative arts of the completion stage of Unexcelled Tantric healing and explores how this powerful and accessible methodology can help catalyze and speed the dissolution of our habitual trauma body into our fully awakened, native humanity, at the individual, interpersonal, societal and planetary levels.
After reviewing the subtle body that maps the journey of transformation from embodied trauma to the rainbow body of full awakening, retreat leaders Drs. Nida Chenagtsang and Joe Loizzo will introduce the yoga of inner fire sublimation (chandali) that grounds all nine yogas of the completion stage.
Our main focus will be on how the flow states sparked by sublimation fuel the light of the Tantra’s embodied emptiness meditation—the great completion stage (mahanispannakrama) or supreme yoga (ati-yoga). We conclude by exploring how the lucid intuition and joyful care released by this profound practice can be applied in the contemporary fields of psychotherapy and psychosocial change.
This is a hybrid online and in-person retreat. The below schedule and registration is for online participants. Should you want to participate in-person, please register here.
Online Schedule
Friday, April 26
- 7:30–9:30pm Welcome and Evening Program
Saturday, April 27
- 9:30–11:45am Morning Program
- 3:00–5:30pm Afternoon Program
- 7:30–9:30pm Evening Program
Sunday, April 28
- 10:00am–12:00pm Morning Program
*Please note this schedule is subject to change at any time.
Faculty: Dr. Joe Loizzo and Dr. Nida Chenagtsang
Schedule: Friday, April 26—Sunday, April 28
Tuition: Supported: $50, Regular: $100, Benefactor: $150
Location: Online via Zoom
April 26, 2024
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm -
April 27, 2024
9:30 am - 9:30 pm -
April 28, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm