with Joe Loizzo and Jasmine Syedullah

Co-sponsored with Tibet US


At a time when our individual and collective freedoms are more endangered than they have been in generations, where do we find the psychosocial resources to move through natural feelings of helplessness, panic and rage so we can keep deepening our embodiment of love and compassion and keep expanding our circles of beloved community? Fortunately for us all, however acute, today’s challenge has been felt and faced by spiritual ancestors and transformational guides the world over, not just for decades and centuries but since the dawn of humanity’s global movements of universal compassion.

In this weekend retreat, in partnership with Tibet House US, Vassar College Abolition Theorist Jasmine Syedullah and Nalanda Institute Academic Director Dr. Joe Loizzo invite us into the vibrant confluence of two sister traditions of inconceivable liberation, from the Universalist (Mahayana) Buddhist and contemporary Western traditions of social justice and self-world transformation. Bringing the revolutionary vision of Universalist founder Acharya Nagarjuna, the Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti, the abolitionist journal of Harriet Jacobs and the essays of Audre Lorde to bear on our present crisis, our retreat leaders will
share their experience embodying the wisdom and arts of these twin traditions in their efforts to foster deep psychosocial change.

Our collective dialogue will be grounded in a path of contemplative practice meant to help us tap and harness the transformative wisdom and power of love towards embodying the rebellion of joy, envisioning the inconceivable liberation for all, and inhabiting beloved community in our everyday lives and world.

This event is part of Nalanda Institute’s Contemplative Psychotherapy Program (CPP), in particular the Wise Compassion year of study. All are welcome to attend.

Scholarship and work study are available for this retreat. Please reach out to Geri@nalandainstitute.org for more information!

Please note: a recording of the event will be shared with all registered participants.



Friday March 28th: 2pm–5pm

Saturday March 29th: 10am–4:30pm

Sunday March 30th: 10am–3pm



Faculty: Joe Loizzo and Jasmine Syedullah

Location: Online or in-person at Tibet House US

Dates: March 28th–March 30th

Tuition: $125


  •  March 29, 2025
     10:00 am - 4:30 pm
  •  March 30, 2025
     10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Details Price Qty
In-person attendanceshow details + $125.00 USD  
Online attendanceshow details + $125.00 USD  
