Attention to Embodied Approaches: Sensorimotor Therapy
September 26

Attention to Embodied Approaches: Sensorimotor Therapy

With Janina Fisher


Fisher, J. (2010). Brain to Brain: The Therapist as Neurobiological Regulator. Psychotherapy Networker, 34(1).

Fisher, J. (2019). Sensorimotor Psychotherapy in the Treatment of TraumaPractice Innovations, 4(3), 156–165.


Badenoch, B. (2019). Receptive Presence. The Neuropsychotherapist, 7(6), 61–62.

Ogden, T. H. (2022). Ontological Psychoanalysis or “What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?” In Coming to Life in the Consulting Room: Toward a New Analytic Sensibility (pp. 9–32). Routledge.

Sullivan, B. S. (1990). Psychotherapy Grounded in the Feminine Principle (pp. 80–109). Chiron Publications.

Westkott, M. (1997). Karen Horney’s Encounter with Zen. In J. L. Jacobs & D. Capps (Eds.), Religion, Society, and Psychoanalysis: Readings in Contemporary Theory (pp. 71–89). Westview Press.


Fisher, J. (2022). Trauma and the Body: How Embodied Approaches Became ‘Mainstream’. [PDF of lecture slide deck]
