La compasión en el contexto histórico: la transformación social en la tradición de Nalanda
October 12

La compasión en el contexto histórico: la transformación social en la tradición de Nalanda

With Joe Loizzo


Tsering, T. (2005). Chapter 1: Setting the Wheel of Dharma in Motion, Chapter 2: The Truth of Suffering, & Chapter 3: The Truth of Origin. In The Four Noble Truths: The Foundation of Buddhist Thought, Volume 1 (pp. 101–120). Wisdom Publications.


Neale, M. (2023). The Buddhist Origins of Mindfulness Meditation. In J. Loizzo, F. Brandon, E. J. Wolf, & M. Neale (Eds.), Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy: Accelerating Personal and Social Transformation (2nd ed., Chapter 1). Routledge
