Expand employee wellness and resilience and develop more conscious and purposeful leaders
We are living in unprecedented times, facing a rapidly changing business landscape complicated by the remote/hybrid workplace, the demands of today’s 24/7 interconnectivity, issues of racial, gender, income inequality, and an accelerating climate crisis. How can you support your leaders and people not just to survive but to thrive?
Our trainings teach evidence-based principles, practices and applications known to enhance wellness, engagement and resilience, like mindful attention-training, compassion-based emotional intelligence, and conscious embodiment skills. They also provide a proven roadmap for leaders to make better decisions, be authentically inspirational, and develop confidence with balanced energy.
Nalanda Institute’s Boundless Leadership Program and Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT) will help your employees find the inner potential to thrive in these times.

Boundless Leadership
For any professional, leader or manager looking to sustainably optimize their performance, team-work, organizational influence, and social impact.
Boundless Leadership is the only program of its kind designed to transform a leader’s whole way of being, top to bottom, inside and out, with three cross-training disciplines that yield an exceptionally clear and agile mind, a fully engaged and resilient heart, and an optimally energized body sustained in flow.
Developed, tested and refined over a decade, the program integrates the latest neuroscience, proven methods of personal transformation, and innovative principles of leadership into a groundbreaking method that makes exceptional, conscious leadership accessible to all.
Boundless Leadership will help your talent:
- Improve decision-making by enhancing clarity, agility and intentionality
- Transform a harsh inner critic into a wise and encouraging inner coach
- Increase resilience and engagement by building emotional intelligence and positive social emotional skills
- Inspire others through modeling empowered responsibility and authentic connection
- Reduce chronic stress and prevent burnout by cultivating balanced energy and natural flow
- Lead fearlessly with bold vision and embodied purpose
- Realize optimal organizational and social impact through servant leadership
- Live with greater work-life balance and mind-heart-body integration
The Boundless leadership course is taught over 6-months once a year starting in January. Additionally, the modular format of the course allows the content to be customized in a variety of formats—from short 90-minute sessions to multi day workshops—to meet organizational needs. Topics include:
- Making Better Decisions
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Empowered Responsibility
- Authentic Engagement
- Peak Performance Under Pressure
- Creating Boundless Teams
- Befriending Your Inner Critic

Boundless Leadership: The Book
The Boundless Leadership Program is distilled in the award-winning book, Boundless Leadership, by contemplative psychotherapist Joe Loizzo, MD, PhD, and executive advisor Elazar Aslan, MBA, PCC. The book provides a complete and systematic roadmap to finding meaning in our work, realizing our full leadership potential, and inspiring our teams with resilience, innovation, compassion and confidence. Find out more about Boundless Leadership: The Book.
“A breathtakingly original approach to leadership, both practical and visionary.”
Daniel Goleman
Author, Emotional Intelligence
“Insights, wisdom, scientific evidence, and practical advice they need to become the leaders they hope and want to be.”
Katherine J. Klein
Vice-Dean, The Wharton School

Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT)
For anyone seeking a complete map and skill-set to manage work and life stressors, develop a resilient, self-healing life, and sustain authentic well-being, engagement and purpose in today’s fast-changing world.
CBRT is the only evidence-based mind/body training that teaches in one cost-effective modular format the full range of science, principles and practices—including mindfulness, compassion, imagery and breath-work—proven to reduce stress and trauma, promote mind/body healing, and build resilience and flourishing for ourselves, others, our organizations and the world we share.
Developed, tested and refined over two decades at the University Hospitals of Columbia and Cornell, CBRT integrates the latest research on stress and resilience, proven methods of stress- reduction and self-healing, and daily practical applications into a transformational training that makes genuine well-being and flourishing accessible to all.
CBRT will help your people:
- Learn focused attention-training practices that develop a calmer, clearer, more present mind
- Learn open attention-practices that develop a less reactive, less biased, and innovative mind
- Build resilience—the capacity to bounce back from worst-case thinking, reactive emotions, and embodied stress reflexes
- Develop basic healing capacities like self-acceptance, self-soothing, metacognition and self-care
- Cultivate social healing capacities like emotional intelligence, wise compassion and skillful responsiveness towards self and others
“In combination with learning about the science of meditation, I learned to meditate in a way that alleviates anxiety…The benefits are great—beyond estimation.”
“[The training] has made a subtle but huge difference in almost every area of my life and has given me hope which I never expected to have that I can change, and handle challenges in a way that satisfies me more.”
The Impact of Mindfulness/Compassion Training on Sustaining Performance, Teamwork and Well-Being

This chart, based on a recent study (Good et al., 2016) shows how mindfulness and compassion for self and others is linked to resilience, performance, teamwork and well-being, all of which help prevent burnout. While mindfulness trainings are the best studied interventions, second generation methods that include compassion training are more effective, and third generation interventions like CBRT (Charlson et al., 2014; Offidanti et al., 2017) that integrate all three— mindfulness, compassion and embodiment trainings—are most effective at promoting resilience and preventing burnout.
To speak to someone about our programs for organizations please reach out to Geri Loizzo, Director of Programs at geri@nalandainstitute.org