Shanthy Chloe Nambiar, MSc, is a financial editor and journalist who integrates yoga, mindfulness, Buddhist philosophies, art, and other therapeutic approaches in her work. She received an MSc from Columbia University. She completed Nalanda Institute’s Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT) Teacher Training program and the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine’s (Massachusetts General Hospital) Stress Management and Resiliency (SMART) program. She has studied introductory Sanskrit. Her focus is on chronic pain/pain management through holistic channels. She has lived, worked, and traveled though Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, including exploring Buddhist and Hindu cultures in Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, and Indonesia. She is passionate about integrating meditation, science, and the world’s wisdom traditions.
Contact: shanthyc@icloud.com