Find your path:
Expand Your Resilience, Joy and Well-Being

We often hear from students that however much they overcome or achieve, at they end of the day they still feel stuck on a treadmill, stressed and unfulfilled. Through contemplative practice, positive neuropsychology and the cultivation of inclusive community we learn to see through negative thoughts and biases, develop love and compassion for our full selves—including the areas that are wounded or painful, and gradually extend this to others both near and far.
All Nalanda Institute’s programs promote resilience, joy and well-being by training us to shift the mind, heart, and body out of survival mode into thriving. Our 8-week Compassionate-Based Resilience Training (CBRT) is the quickest way to get the skills you need for that shift. Boundless Leadership is a 6-month program for people seeking a shift in their work life. And the Contemplative Psychotherapy Program (also available in Spanish and Portuguese) is a 3-year deep dive into the psychology and contemplative practices that make life more joyful and purposeful. If you want a taste of our life-changing programs, check out our Lunchtime Meditation program and the resources tab for free guided meditations and teachings.
Unlock Your Full Leadership Potential

Impactful leadership, whether of ourselves or others, requires our best self to emerge consistently and naturally. The pressure to make the right decision at lightning speed, navigate difficult colleagues and managers, and balance income with meaning in our lives, is harder now than ever. Managing stress, connecting with others with authenticity and care, and speaking our truth with confidence and kindness, is not only possible, but trainable
Boundless Leadership is a methodical and practical program designed to effectively optimize the mind, heart and body to lead ourselves and others. CBRT helps deepen resiliency, compassion and self-care; CBRT Teacher Training can support the clarity, resilience and well-being of employees in an organization; and Custom Programs, designed in ½ day – multi-day modules, address key challenges facing teams and organizations.
Ground Your Caregiving Practice in Self-Care

Healthcare workers and other caregiving professionals are under tremendous stress to deliver quality, compassionate care without facing burnout. Stress locks us into self-enclosure, limiting our capacity to see the big picture, understand and care for ourselves and others, and access positive energy and skillful responsiveness. We may not have control over the difficult situations we meet at work or in our personal lives, but we have the capacity to face these situations with care and resilience. Nalanda Institute’s Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT) is designed for people in high stress environments such as healthcare professionals and others who are in a position of caring for others whether in their work or personal lives. The 8-week program covers the core teachings of mindfulness, compassion training and breath and movement practices that can enhance our own well-being and be used to benefit others.
The program has been successfully adapted for patients with serious illnesses at Weill Cornell Medicine and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, demonstrating reduced biomarkers of stress, enhanced resilience and overall functioning and overall improvement in quality of life. Nalanda also offers Compassion-Based Resilience Training – Teacher Training for people that want to offer the program to others.
Deepen Your Psychotherapy Impact

If you’re a psychotherapist in this era of high stress, social isolation, uncertainty and trauma, you feel the cumulative burden of holding your clients’ confusion and suffering. Psychotherapy offers one of the few refuges for human understanding in our competitive, stress-driven culture, and its effectiveness depends on our ability as therapists to embody presence, acceptance, and wise compassion. Inevitably, we find ourselves running into the limits of our capacity to metabolize our clients’ suffering or to access our healing abilities.
By integrating contemporary psychotherapy with timeless contemplative practice, wisdom and ethics, informed by positive neuropsychology and the pursuit of social justice, Nalanda Institute’s three-year Contemplative Psychotherapy Program (also available in Spanish and Portuguese) will help you ground your personal and professional life in a whole new way of being that can deepen your impact and satisfaction. If you’re looking for a condensed format to learn these skills, consider our evidence-based 8-week Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT) or our 5 month CBRT Teacher Training. Empower yourself, your clients, and/or your colleagues to access their natural capacity for embodied self-healing and positive psychosocial change.
Bring Mindfulness and Compassion Teaching To Others

If you have experienced the transformative power of contemplative practice in your life and are looking to help others—friends and family, coworkers, patients/clients—develop their own practice, please consider Nalanda Institute’s 5-month Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT) Teacher Training. CBRT Teacher Training is the most complete and affordable teacher training program available today combining the science, skills, and practices of mindfulness, compassion and embodiment. For over 20 years, CBRT has been used in hospitals, businesses, schools, and mental health practices to help people shift out of self-protective survival mode into generative thriving mode. Be the one who helps spark the inner revolution we so need in the world today.
Help Co-Create a More Just World

The fight for a more just and equitable society is an ongoing struggle. At Nalanda Institute, we’re grateful to be part of a growing movement to integrate deep equity and social/climate justice with the timeless contemplative spirit and practice of humanity’s non-violent wisdom traditions and compassionate communities.
We offer a range of programs that teach contemplative skills to protect the mind, heart and body from the chronic stress and trauma of systemic oppression and to promote the resilience, stamina and fierce compassion we need for contemplative activism. These include: affinity groups—BIPOC, white, LGBTQ+ and Undoing Patriarchy; our evidence-based 8-week Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT) and 5-month CBRT Teacher Training; our 6-month Boundless Leadership program; and our 3-year Contemplative Psychotherapy Program (also available in Spanish and Portuguese), open to therapists and non-therapists alike, especially in the psychosocial change track of the third year in embodied approaches to personal and collective liberation.
Practice in Community

Whether you’re an experienced meditation practitioner, or just getting started, Nalanda Institute offers pathways to deepening your practice in a caring and supportive community. You can practice basic meditation daily, or embark on a rigorous training in contemplative science, practice and ethics, in dialogue with contemporary psychotherapy, neuroscience and social justice work.
If you’re ready to go deeper, all our programs ground contemplative study and practice, whether of mindfulness, compassion or embodiment, in the learning context of a safe and welcoming transformative community. Our core programs – Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT), CBRT Teacher Training, Contemplative Psychotherapy (also available in Spanish and Portuguese), and Boundless Leadership – involve in-depth study of all three forms of practice, in dialogue with contemporary psychotherapy, neuropsychology and the shared pursuit of social change; and all are held within the crucible of a transformative learning community. Along with Lunchtime Meditation, Short Courses, Affinity Groups and Open Retreats–our programs are open to people from all walks of life, united in their desire to deepen their practice and use it to help create a better world.