by Nalanda Institute

summer reading list 2024

Summertime offers us longer days, warm breezes, and a natural invitation for more play, a slower pace, and joyful activities. It’s a magical time when lush foliage and blooming flowers invite us to depart from our regular routines and create new rituals that evoke a sense of expansion and connection.

Our Summer Reading List, an annual Nalanda Institute tradition, is a compilation of book recommendations thoughtfully shared by members of  the Nalanda Institute community. The intention of this list is to help support a sense of wonder, ease, and connection through the joy of reading. We have some great recommendations that will no doubt spawn introspection, wisdom, practice, healing, embodied awareness, contemplation, activism, and awe!

We hope you find a book or two that can accompany you over the next few months. Happy Summer!

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